Monday, February 24, 2020

Research Paper on Exploring Advertising's Impact on Our Society

On Exploring Advertising's Impact on Our Society - Research Paper Example Moreover with the launch of face book and Twitter, the communication process has become more influencing than ever. The Advertising media’s influence on children has created a new social type in the society. Everywhere in the world, the largest audience of television is the children in young age group. â€Å"Children are a captive audience: The average American child watches an estimate between 25,000 to 40,000 television commercials per year. In the UK, it is about 10,000†.The Advertisers employ children who are popular in their advertisements in order to catch young people’s attention .The aim of advertisers is to develop a brand loyalty with the children as they can persuade the parents to buy their products .The brand loyalty once created with a child will remain throughout their lives. According to (O’reilly, pg.248)â€Å" Corporations spend approximately $ 17 billion each year for marketing to children†. The main reason for advertiser’s to target children is because of the influence they have on their father and mother. The Current Phenomenon of Advertising The concept of advertising emerged as a process to influence the behavior and attitudes of a person in favor of the products of a company. Nowadays, we can find advertisement in every place we come in contact with. The main point of channelizing advertisements is newspapers, television channels, internet and radio. The main objective of advertising is to create desire and interest in targeted people. Today the advertising which appear on internet and television are much shorter but extremely attention seeking. As per (Janoschka ,pg.12)â€Å" Today advertising must employ a variety of strategies in reactions to new conditions of communications, diversified markets and customers. Today the market is customer – oriented and advertisement is the sole method by which products enter the market. Now it is a normal practice to employ various gimmicks in adverti sement to widen the customer market and beat competition. At present the media is overloaded with information and people are suffocated with product knowledge. The overload of information means there is excess of information to be interpreted and processed .The information released by the advertising media is so wide- ranging and comprehensive that it becomes difficult for people to retrieve it.Morever, the emergence of internet has made advertising so rampant that it is difficult to ignore or avoid it. Due to increase in market segmentation the variety of products launched and marketed is enormous. The advertising instruments used to market products also get diversified and the primary source of advertisement is newspaper, then radio, television and internet. The Primary Target of Advertising At present, the advertising media is not targeted towards adults but on children who are aged 12 and under. The advertisers have discovered a huge potential in children and formulate much of t heir advertising strategies keeping them in mind. This surge in children – oriented marketing developed a couple of decades ago and now turned into a massive industry. The main reason behind it is that the children molded as a potential customer would later be loyal to the product continuously. It is easy for an advertiser to establish brand

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been - Essay Example She defies her parents, lies, and talks down to her mother. She also sneaks around and flirts with older boys whom she may or may not know. Connie is aware of dressing, looking, and acting differently in places other than her own home, acknowledging the stark contrast of the two people she tends to be and making it known that there is a reason for the two to exist. However, as much as Connie gives off the appearance of being an adult, when Arnold Friend and Ellie come around, she is revealed to be the young, helpless child that she really is. The greatest secret that presents an obstacle to Connie’s path to adulthood is that Connie is not fully ready to enter adulthood. The way that she allows people to see her is all just a show. Connie, while having the same animosity towards her mother and sister that most teenagers have, has no desire to be an entity separate from her family. By becoming an adult, she loses the protection that comes with being a child (Keilbach 12). She ma y fight with her mother and be eager to be away from her, but one of the first things that Connie does upon Arnold Friend’s invasion is call out for her family members. Similarly, Connie may flaunt that she has sexual experience with males, but all that she really has is just the outward appearance of someone who has had this experience. She wants others to believe that she is an adult, yet she does not want to sacrifice the benefits of childhood.