Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Watergate Of American Politics - 1560 Words

In 1972, the biggest scandal in American politics occurred at the Watergate complex. For years, the struggle to reveal secret of who masterminded this operation occupied the courts in Washington D.C. The Committee for the Re-election of the President (CRP) fought to keep President Richard Nixon s name clear throughout the confessions of the Watergate burglars and of men inside the White House. From 1972 until 2017, many other national scandals have been publicized to the nation, but current political controversies such as President Trump s Russia scandal and Hillary Clinton s email mishap rival Watergate. The Watergate Scandal changed the security measures taken during presidential campaigns and began an era of political scandals.†¦show more content†¦Operatives working for the Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP) burglarize the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Washington, DC Watergate office complex. About a month later, the burglars returned to the co mplex and were arrested on June 17. On August 20, 1972: Nixon announces that John Dean, a White House counsel, has investigated the situation and found no one in the White House was involved. On March 17, 1973, John Dean told President Nixon, â€Å"We have a cancer – within – close to the Presidency, that’s growing.† He tells the president that the burglars are demanding money and that maybe one million dollars would be needed in the end. â€Å"We could get that†¦,† the president replies. Between March 19 and March 23, James W. McCord, Jr., the first of the president s men to take the fall for the scandal, wrote a letter to the judge claiming pressure had been applied to the defendants to ensure silence, among other confessions (APPENDIX #1). Chief Judge John Sirica made the letter public and threatened harsh punishment, anywhere from twenty to forty years in prison, to force the defendants’ cooperation. Then on June 3, 1973, John Dean told investigators that he discussed the cover-up of the scandal with Nixon at least 35 times. Later that month, on June 25, Dean testifies before the Senate Watergate committee claiming Nixon was involved in the cover-up soon after the break-in and that the White House hadShow MoreRelatedWatergate Scandal Essay1256 Words   |  6 Pagesthe most unusual presidencies in American history. Nixon quickly took a different approach from the men that came before him; although he entered office at a trying time for the American people, he insisted that the public needed the hard facts, not inspirational speeches. However, after winning the election Nixon gave in to his advisors’ desires for an uplifting message, and promised the public that his administration would be committed to â€Å"bringing the American people together†. While Nixon rarelyRead MoreThe Stains of Watergate1568 Words   |  6 Pagesmidnight shift at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. He discovered tape over a basement door lock and thinking none of it, he removed the tape. On another inspection round, he found the lock taped over again and called the police. They locked the doors, turned off the elevators, and started checking darkened offices. At 2:30 a.m. on the 6th floor of the Watergate complex, the police discovered five men who were identified as the PlumbersRead MoreThe Watergate Scandal Of America1003 Words   |  5 Pages Manuel Chavez 5/15/2015 The Watergate Scandal The Watergate Scandal stands as one of the most heinous out brakes in United States History. As described in this article â€Å"The scandal had revealed to voters not only the abuse of power of the Nixon administration, but a political culture of corruption , viciousness and double-dealing that shocked the public† (Government). Not only did this scandal impact the trust of many Americans but it inspired a renowned artisan, Stevie Wonder! DueRead MoreThe Resignation of President Richard Nixon Essay1371 Words   |  6 PagesLegal Brief/Background During the year of 1972, a case submerged that shook the United State Supreme Court, as well as the world. Five intruders were caught breaking and entering into the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. The Democratic National Headquarters were responsible for various things, but one key aspect of their job was to raise money and organize campaigns for Democratic candidates, including the presidential candidate, George McGovern. SoonRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights Of The United States1665 Words   |  7 Pagestrust of our executive office was shaken by a corrupt Nixon administration and its scandalous ways. On June 17,1972, American politics changed forever, leaving many Americans questioning their leaders and looking deeper into the presidency of their country. That Saturday morning, several burglars were arrested inside the office of the Democratic National Committee inside the Watergate building in Washington, D.C. These individuals were caught attempting to wiretap phones and steal secret documentsRead MoreWatergate722 Words   |  3 Pagesstory of Watergate is both historically and politically interesting. It began to occur from the Pentagon Papers, in which Daniel Ellsberg handed over to the press. The Pentagon Papers contained secret documents outlining the history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam (p.848).These secret documents would bring to light the deception of the the morning of June 17, 1972, at 2:30 a.m. 5 burglars were arrested inside the office of the Democratic National Committee, located inside of the Watergate buildingRead MoreThe Watergate Scandal Essay example1189 Wo rds   |  5 Pages amp;#65279;Watergate, the popular name for the political scandal and constitutional crisis which broke out in 1972 during the presidential reign of Richard Nixon, remains a mysterious happening even today. Some details, people, events, degrees of involvement, and reasons are still unresolved. But what began as a third-rate burglary on June 17, 1972 escalated into a full- blown scandal that had a resounding effect on how many Americans viewed the government of their country. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;RichardRead MoreThe Watergate Scandal1543 Words   |  7 Pagesgoal was to represent and satisfy the needs of the American people. Unfortunately, over the last fifty years, our trust in our administrative representatives has drastically declined. Beginning with the great conspiracy theory that President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 was actually planned by political leaders, America had, for the first time in history, begun to question its faith in its very own government. Consequently, the American people became extremely hesitant when it came to electingRead MoreCtu History 101 Ip31029 Words   |  5 PagesModern American History: 1950 to the 21st Century (HIST101) Colorado Technical University For this project I am going to discuss two different articles about President Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. The first article is â€Å"The Washington Post Editorial Watergate: The unfinished business.† The other article that I will be discussing and comparing is one written by Dean Burch. â€Å"In Defense of Richard Nixon.† I will provide a brief summary of the two arguments as well as describe how theRead MoreWatergate740 Words   |  3 PagesWatergate Lucia San Nicolas HIS/145 October 19, 2011 Marciano Flores Watergate The Watergate scandal shocked millions of Americans when it was revealed in 1972. The president at that time was Richard M. Nixon, who himself was involved within the scandal. The Watergate scandal took place in 1972 when a group of five men broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office complex in Washington. The five men involved in this burglary were eventually

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